

Em Operação Velvet Shell, dois G.E.O. Operadores juntam-se à equipe Rainbow para proteger os civis que estão de férias no "litoral," nosso mapa livre novo ajustado em Ibiza, Espanha. As autoridades locais pedem a assistência do Grupo Especial de Operações espanhol (G.E.O.) para evacuar o perímetro após uma dica anónima. Influenciado pelos trágicos Jogos Olímpicos de 1972 em Munique, o G.E.O. Foi fundada em 1977 durante a tumultuosa transição da Espanha para um governo democrático.

Enquanto a habilidade única dos Operadores será revelada somente durante o Seis Invitational, o roteirista R6 Farah Brixi revelou os elementos que inspiraram a personalidade de Jackal. Brixi explicou que seu objetivo era retratar como as operações especiais da Espanha atribuem um papel a cada oficial que ressoa com seus bens pessoais e tática de escolha. "Nós criamos Chacal com isso em mente, para que ele incorporasse plenamente um estilo de jogo específico. Quando você escolhe Jackal você está enviando uma mensagem clara para a equipe adversária: agora eles têm um alvo em suas costas. "

O G.E.O. É conhecido por prevenir atos de terror, mas também faz dent em anéis de tráfico de drogas. Brixi revelou que "você pode esperar Jackal para encarnar seu resourcefulness em terrenos difíceis como sua especialidade reside em contra operações de contrabando de drogas. Ele passou por extensos cursos de sobrevivência, programas táticos de navegação no deserto e cursos especializados de mergulho de combate para ganhar essa vantagem."

Para mostrar a letalidade das Forças Especiais da Espanha, Ramírez está equipado com o C7E e PDW9 como armas primárias, eo ITA 12S e USP 40 como armas secundárias.

Ryad Ramírez Al-Hassar tinha nove anos de idade durante a transição política da Espanha, mas não sentiu o impacto total dessas mudanças até mais tarde. Seu foco era em outro lugar inteiramente, como ele foi deslocado de uma família disfuncional para a próxima. Alguns anos mais tarde, Ramírez foi retirado do sistema de acolhimento por seu irmão mais velho, Faisal, que já tinha idade suficiente para se tornar seu tutor legal.

Os irmãos Ramírez apareceram pela primeira vez em registros oficiais em 8 de outubro de 1985, quando Ryad foi encontrado ao lado do cadáver de seu irmão em uma casa abandonada em El Principe Alfonso. Ryad tinha 17 anos e precisava de assistência médica urgente. Sem testemunha, sem arma de assassinato e sem motivo claro, as autoridades locais trataram a morte de Faisal como um caso inconclusivo de violência na rua.

Depois daquela noite, Ryad estava determinado a desvendar os eventos que levaram à perda de seu irmão. Quando completou 19 anos, finalmente passou as qualificações obrigatórias e entrou no Cuerpo Nacional de Policía. Para aprimorar ainda mais suas habilidades no campo, ele se tornou um membro do G.E.O.

Para saber mais sobre nossos novos Operadores, não deixe de se juntar a nós em Montreal para o Six Invitational, a partir de 3 de fevereiro. Você também pode sintonizar o canal oficial de Twitch [www.twitch.tv] para esta maciça festa de 3 dias, revelando o Roadmap do Ano 2, a demonstração ao vivo da Operação Velvet Shell, os painéis do Dev e a intensa competição da Liga Profissional. Descubra mais aqui


Rainbow6 discusses the operators - Day #26: Hibana

Today's operator is Hibana.
Iceycat's Hibana Op Guide
Hibana Wiki
The community has outlined a couple of things that they want to converse about with every operator, but feel free to branch out should you feel a piece of information warrants its own discussion.

  • The operator’s primary or ideal role in the team. (DISCLAIMER: Operators can be played in a number of different ways. There is no single way to play an operator. This is probably the most subjective segment of the discussion series, and hopefully will spark debates or help us learn things we did not know before.)
  • The operator’s gadget and how it will help the team achieve its goals. Please share any tidbits you may know to help expand discussion.
  • The operator’s loadout, and how best to optimize it. This includes primaries, secondaries, and secondary gadgets.
  • What maps and game modes does this operator do well on?
  • What maps and game modes does this operator struggle with?
  • What teammates synergize well with this operator?

  • What opposing operators check or counter this operator?
  • What strategies have you adopted while playing this operator? What is something that a new player should know when playing this operator, or what is something you know that would help a veteran player take that next step?
  • What is your overall opinion of this operator? Where would you rank them among the other operators?



This is part two of a series of preview blogs, please check out our Day 1 Preview[rainbow6.ubi.com] blog posted previously.

Day Two of the Six Invitational on February 4, 2017 brings you another exciting day of competition with a full day of teaser panels for our Year 2 Season 1 Map and Operators deploying in Velvet Shell.

Remember, you’ll be able to watch everything from the Six Invitational on February 3-5 on our Twitch[www.twitch.tv] and YouTube channels.

Day 2 Competition Details

The second day of the Six Invitational has a ton of exciting matches. The winners of Day 1 will clash with the invited teams who have earned their spots through past championships and Pro League competitions. This is going to be some incredible and high level competition that you do not want to miss! For more information on these teams, check out this blog[rainbow6.ubi.com].

Velvet Shell Operator Teaser Panel

Host: Justin Kruger (Community Developer)
Panelists: Simon Laforge (Game Designer), Jean-Baptiste Halle (Game Designer), Macie_Jay (community streamer)

Approximate Time: 12:45PM EST

The Operators in Velvet Shell, bring an entirely new dynamic to attack and defense. This panel will preview the upcoming operators by taking discussing the theory behind them, while showing off their new loadouts. We won’t be revealing everything in this panel, so be sure to tune in to the full reveal on Day Three.

Velvet Shell Map and Features Teaser Panel

Host: Justin Kruger (Community Developer)
Panelists: Myles Kerwin (Level Designer), Nadjib Sellali (Level Designer), Punjistick (community streamer).

Approximate Time: 3:35PM EST

Two of our level designers will be diving into our new map, Coastline, and will be revealing a few behind-the-scenes details of what you can expect. Additionally, we’ll be chatting about a few new features coming your way in Velvet Shell. We won’t be revealing everything in this panel, so be sure to tune in to the full reveal on Day Three.

Tech Q&A

Host: Genevieve Forget (Product Manager)
Panelists: Jalal El Mansouri (Technical Architect), Louis-Phillipe Dion (Audio Director), Alexandre Ouimet (Physics Programmer).

Approximate Time: 5:25PM EST

The technical systems of Rainbow Six Siege are an integral part of what sets Siege apart from other games. Our three incredible panelists will be taking questions about procedural destruction, sound propagation, and the technical architecture of the game. They will be taking questions from audience members at the Six Invitational, and a few from online.

For more information and updates, please visit the Six Invitational Hub[www.rainbow6.com] and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.



The Six Invitational is nearly upon us, so we are giving a detailed preview into what you can expect on all three days. Since this is our biggest event ever, we didn’t want a typical transition in-between competition for breaks, so we will be bringing you exclusive panels with some of the people who have worked on the game since its inception.

Remember, you’ll be able to watch everything from the Six Invitational on February 3-5 on our Twitch [www.twitch.tv] and YouTube channels.

We jump start the Six Invitational on Day 1 with the PC and Xbox One Quarter Finals. These matches will put the international qualifier teams who have been competing to earn their spot for the past two months. These teams have a ton of passion and will need to prove their worth if they want to get to Day 2. For more information on these teams, check out this blog [rainbow6.ubi.com].

From left to right: Genevieve Forget (Product Manager), Mathieu Gagnon (Technical Design Director), Farah Daoud-Brixi (Writer), Alexandre Remy (Brand Director), Leroy Athanassoff (Game Designer), Justin Kruger (Community Developer), Adam Crawley (Gameplay Programmer). Not Pictured: Xavier Marquis (Creative Director).

Conception of Siege Panel
Host: Genevieve Forget (Product Manager)
Panelists: Xavier Marquis (Creative Director), Alexandre Remy (Brand Director),  Mathieu Gangon (Technical Design Director)
Approximate Time: 12:45PM EST

Rainbow Six Siege was built because of passionate people who shared a strong belief in creating this game. This panel will sit down for an intimate conversation with some of the people who were behind the original conception of Rainbow Six Siege. They’re going to reveal what it is was like in those early years of developing Siege, and also take a look back at how we got to where we are now.

Community Spotlight Panel
Host: Justin Kruger (Community Developer)
Panelists: Tangy_D, Lil_Lexi, EdeMonster, and a special guest.
Approximate Time: 3:35PM EST

Rainbow Six Siege would not be what it is without the community that has rallied behind it in year one. In this panel, our Community Developer will be talking with three of our community leaders about their personal experiences with Siege. We also have a special surprise guest {-}7.

Creative Q&A Panel
Host: Justin Kruger (Community Developer)
Panelists: Leroy Athanassoff (Game Designer), Adam Crawley (Gameplay Programmer), Farah Daoud-Brixi (Writer).
Approximate Time: 5:25PM EST

The Creative Q&A will be focused on three creative disciplines that bring a lot of life to Siege. Our three esteemed panelists will be pulling back the curtain on how we develop operators, write their lines, and program the game to make it better. They will be taking questions from audience members at the Six Invitational, and a few from online.

For more information and updates, please visit the Six Invitational Hub[www.rainbow6.com] and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.





Operação Velvet Shell se aproxima. Mais informações nas próximas semanas, com uma revelação completa no Six Invitational!



Os novos Reforços de meia-temporada estão chegando com força total e trazem mudanças para Tachanka, um novo mapa em PvP, balanceamento de Agentes e armas, além de várias correções. Estes reforços serão disponibilizados na quinta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2016.


Em 13 de novembro de 2016, o Agente Alexsandr Senaviev foi declarado clinicamente morto por dois minutos no campo de batalha. Durante a sua recuperação na Base Hereford, a sua metralhadora fixa RP-46 Degtyaryov foi inspecionada. A arma saiu de linha nos anos 60, sendo uma das últimas do tipo a ser produzida na antiga União Soviética. A Equipe Six, ciente da preferência do Agente por armas de época, solicitou a atualização da mesma com fins de garantir maior segurança ao seu usuário. A equipe de engenheiros, liderada por Elena “Mira” Alvarez Del Manzano, adicinou um escudo balístico para proteção contra disparos frontais. Este escudo também pode ser destruído de forma separada da torre de artilharia. Mira também esteve a cargo de personalizações da arma, de acordo com o gosto de Tachanka.

Desde o lançamento de Rainbow Six Siege há mais de um ano, Tachanka é o Agente mais fraco, mesmo que tenha se tornado um dos mais adorados. Isso se reflete na sua taxa de escolha, que é a mais baixa no jogo.
Ao analisarmos Tachanka, sua maior desvantagem é seu gadget. A relação entre o poder de paragem da torre e sua falta de mobilidade não é boa o suficiente. Ele tem sérios problemas para utilizar o elemento surpresa contra Atacantes, e é muito fácil acertá-lo com um headshot assim que descobrem sua posição.
Para combater essa fraqueza, colocamos um escudo em fronte à torre, para protegê-lo de headshots frontais. O objetivo é tornar Tachanka o rei do ângulo em que estiver posicionado, ao mesmo tempo que está vulnerável em outros ângulos.
O escudo pode ser destruído à parte, e tem 500 HP.

Também adicionamos recuo e um pouco de propagação à arma, a fim de diminuir a força da torre blindada em situações de início (a longa distâncias).

Junto com o lançamento dos Reforços de meia-temporada está o mapa Universidade Bartlett, redesenhado para PvP. O mapa que estava disponível apenas em PvE estará disponível para todo mundo a partir de 15 de dezembro de 2016.

O novo mapa redesenhado teve todo o gás e os elementos PvE removidos do design original, e apresenta agora melhor destruição, layout aperfeiçoado para orientação superior e destruição em dupla camada.


Rainbow Six: Siege is about to celebrate its first anniversary of competition. It has been an amazing first year with three full seasons of Pro League as well as the incoming Six Invitational to end the year on a high note!

Thousands of players and teams have taken part of our weekly Go4 tournaments and a few hundreds of the best players in the world have the chance to be compete in the Pro League. These players have not only showed us some of the highest skilled matches we’ve ever seen, but they also worked hand in hand with our production team to constantly improve the game.

We are tremendously proud to announce a second full year of competition to go alongside our second year of post-launch content. Therefore, right after the Six Invitational event, we will be immediately starting Year 2 of competition. We have opted to structure things differently this time in order to make our competition scope bigger, while welcoming a broader spectrum of players.


With a new focus for Year Two, the Pro League will now exclusively be held on PC. It will be bigger than ever with a larger prize pool and more teams invited at Season Finals. We will also be adding an intermediate level for up & coming competitors: the Challenger League. Following the same schedule and format as the Pro League, the Challenger League will be open to 8 teams who proved their worth, reaching this launching pad into the Pro League. They will play and fight for $5,000 every Season per region as well as to secure their position into the next Season’s Pro League.

We will of course be maintaining weekly Go4R6 tournaments.

More information about the new format below.


The competitive program for Xbox One will now encompass a Major League as well as weekly Go4R6 Tournaments. Following the same format as the Pro League, the Major Leagues will welcome 8 teams per region, fighting over the course of 4 full Seasons! Each Season will have $5,000 of prize pool up for grabs per region.

More information about the new format below.


We are also happy to be introducing PlayStation 4 to our competitive program! Just like Xbox One, it will consist of a Major League, as well as weekly Go4R6 Tournaments. We are stoked to see what it will bring to the Rainbow Six competitive scene!

More information about the new format below.



The first Pro League Season will begin in March, so we already wish to inform you of the whole year’s plan.

The overall Pro League schedule will be once again of three Pro League Seasons followed by another Six Invitational! This time however we have increased the prize pool to $100,000USD per Season.

The 8 teams who qualify for the Pro League will compete in a brand new ‘dual tournament’ format. This format was agreed upon with ESL (our competitive program organizer) as well as the top professional teams from Year One. We believe it will further solidify our growing pro scene and teams
This format will be mirrored for our Major Leagues and Challenger League.

As the lead platform for our competitive program, all matches of the PC Pro League will be broadcasted and played in Best of 3 format. This will put an end to the era of draws and offer a much better experience for both players and viewers!

In order to have our Pro League reach an even higher level this year, we are announcing the opening of a Challenger League. It will serve as a stepping stone for up and coming teams wishing to make it into the Pro League, as well as a safety net for teams who have already made it in the Pro League. Each Season, several teams will drop from the Pro League and be replaced by the very best of the Challenger League.

We are convinced that weekly competition is key to a healthy competitive scene and community. Therefore, we will be holding weekly tournaments where any player, from any level will be able to compete for R6 Credits as well as exclusive charms. We will even be handing out some participation prizes!

We wish to truly thank every participants who competed in the 2016 competitions. We hope that you will continue your journey in the 2017 Leagues and weekly competitions.

Details about how to qualify into all of these Leagues will be detailed in the coming weeks. For more information about Year 2 of Competition, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and join the discussion on the official subreddit and Forums.